Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hurricanes can't take away our love

Went to watch with Iron Man 2 with Akeela, Asyura, Nakiah, Syazana. Then, Shukree, Syakir and Qusyairi came and all of em wore a Adidas t-shirt. Lol? Iron Man 2 is awesome. Action + comedy + romance combined into one! :D Lazy to elaborate. Heheh
Wishing every moment froze
Now I just wanna let you know
Earthquakes can't shake us
Cyclones can't break us
Hurricanes can't take away our love

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I don't need a parachute, baby if I've got you

Exams are over. Finally. I think this time round, I'm going to fail my math. Argh. I miss those times last year when I got a B3 so easily. Now, I easily get an F. Argh. Also, I don't think I can get an A for history and DNT like last time :(

So, hows life?

I watch this every single day without fail. It's so hilarious. SKEET SKEET! HAHAH! Shane Dawson ftw! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This is it

I'm sick :( So is Nakiah. I reckon we got it from the class because last week, most of our classmates were absent and all had the same sickness. Let's call it '23 flu' (k, wtf) Symptoms are: fever, sore throat, headache, diarrhea(which I haven't get yet) and rashes.
I got sent home during art lesson which is the first period. Thankfully, Brent carried for me my bag and send me to the General Office and from there, I waited for my maid. I waited for like one whole fucking hour. She told me she was bathing, what crap. Then, I made my way to the clinic and got a 2 days M.C! Yes ah! Now, I am enjoying my time at home surfing the net on the laptop and enjoying the cooling air-conditioner. Awesome. It's 11.30 am now, math lesson. Have fun in class, people, teehee.

Monday, May 3, 2010


I love you girls <3