Thursday, July 31, 2008

Im passing!

It was english oral just now, its funzxzxzzxzx!
Mr Hui was like, you like junk food, do youuuuuuuuuu? Do youuu?
I was about to answer then he was like keep repeating Do You?
It was okay, only I forgot some words. Alot of things to say.
My conclusion was crazy, I said parents should make a shopping list at first? [!!!]
But, malay was a killer. Today was like freaking easy! At carpark. Mine was at Bugis Celeberation?
Im happy not to be a chinese, they keep saying hard.
In heart, I was like, what is fountain in malay? What is celebration in malay?
Oh, and I pass a maths rosyth prelim paper! It motivates me. Im passing my prelim.
Hopefully I get top 20! Then PSLE top 10. Even for Prelim I dont get Top 3, I can still get most improvement.
Then, during guitar lesson, my group won the quiz! Ms Kris is going to buy us present!
Hopefully its a Nike bottle! :D
Me, Aqilah, Zhi Zheng and Amir discussed about someone and someone.
That someone kept hearing, so we talk softer. We promised not to tell anyone.
We got 11 evidence that the guy someone love the girl someone. 10 was bingo! Then Amir add.
Amir one was the best uh! "Everytime he rest and she looks at him, he will smile and laugh."
And please, the past is past. Please dont compare! And, Im not a matchmaker!
Its just an observation, not a judgement!